Product Profile Sheet 750ml
Product Profile Sheet 750ml
Stellar Winery is one of South Africa’s top producers and exporters of organic, fair trade wines. Situated just outside of the Namaqualand town of Vredendal, the cellar processes grapes from farms stretching from Bulshoek Dam in the south to the cool climate vineyards of Koekenaap, close to the mouth of the Olifants River on South Africa’s west coast.
“This certified organic, Fair Trade and vegan red is a blend of South Africa’s (often unfairly maligned) Pinotage variety and Cabernet Sauvignon. Earthy and meaty, this blend offers up aromas of spice, bacon fat, iodine, wild forest berries, cocoa and plummy undertones. The palate offers good substance with savoury salty flavours, wild fruits, licorice and cocoa. Textural tannins add chew, it has good substance and a juicy finish. A good every day dinner wine with roasted meats, game, hard cheeses, hearty bean casseroles.” – DAENNA VAN MULLIGEN ~ THE WINE DIVA (October 11,)
Stellar Organic
Western Cape, South Africa
Stellar Organic Winery
Cabernet Sauvignon & Pinotage grapes