Product Profile Sheet 750ml
Product Profile Sheet 750ml
The Collet family has, since 1792 and from generation to generation, consecrated themselves to the their vines and vineyard.
Jean Collet, son of the Chablis winemaker Marius, created the Domaine Jean Collet in 1952, at which date he owned 61 ares of vines. He began to sell his harvest in bulk to the “négociants” (wine wholesalers), and then in 1954 bottled a part of this harvest, followed by exporting a part of this production to the USA in 1959.
In 1979, Gilles joined his father and their winemaking operation became Domaine Jean Collet et Fils. At this date, the area of the Domaine was 15 hectares.
Romain, the son of Gilles, now represents the fourth generation of Collets in Chablis. He definitively returned to the family Domaine for the 2009 harvest (having studied winemaking at school in Beaune – with various internships at differenct wineries in France-, and working abroad at a winery in New Zealand).
The winery and the cellar are located in the heart of the village of Chablis, where tradition and modernism live together, which represents the perfect picture of this family, so proud of their winemaking know-how.
Naturally very reactive and concerned to best serve their customers, the Collet family have never hesitated to invest in their Domaine, and this practice continues. It is important that only the best bottles find their way to your table.
“Lean, almost grassy nose that is lively and poised with little overt fruitiness. Good attack, very ripe and perhaps a touch sweet, but there’s good balancing acidity and an appealing smokiness on the finish. Quite long.” – Stephen Brook
Domaine Collet
Chablis, France
Roman Collet
100% Chardonnay