Product Profile Sheet 750ml
Product Profile Sheet 750ml
The Medici company, for over a century, has been producing a top-of-the-range Lambrusco. It all began with Remigio, who founded a wine cellar in the late nineteenth century, with the aim of making the most of the family vineyards, located between the Via Emilia and the first of the hills in the Enza valley. Remigio’s son Emete expanded the business and consolidated its reputation, before handing over the reins to his sons Valter and Giorgio, who carried on the work of their father and grandfather by extending sales of the wine further. Today the company owns 60 hectares of land spread out among the finest wine-growing areas in the Emil Emilia-Romagna Now run by the fourth generation of the Medici family, the company boasts sound experience both in the vineyards and in the winery, which allows them to make the finest of wine from the grapes they grow. Medici Ermete is regarded as one of Italy’s best Lambruscos.
Award: SILVER TRIO FROM SPAIN. Intense ruby red. Pleasant and persistent with violet scent. Sweet, fruity, fresh, lively and pleasantly harmonious.
Medici Ermete
Emilia Romagna, Italy
Medici Family
100% Lambrusco Grasparossa